“Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished.” —Dean Koontz
keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2016
First time
Here we go!
Hello all! At first some basic facts about me and my dog.
IPA is my wery first bordercollie. It's formal name is Toberoi Pine. Ipa is working line bordercollie and he's smooth haired dog.
Here you can see IPA's bedigree : http://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmKoira.aspx?RekNo=FI53423/15&R=297
Here is about parents : http://www.pikkusaari.com/bordercollies/litters/previous/2015_sole_kapu.html
Then facts about me. I'm Sari 27 young, got sucked in dog sports and there's no coming back.
Dreamed long time about bordercollie, and now when my dream came true i'm starting to learn herding from scratch with IPA.
OK. Let's start. First time on sheep. I must say, i was nervous and didn't know at all what to do and how to do anything. Everything is blurr in my memories. But i think we were starting IPA up for the sheeps and for the herding. IPA was really intressed and wanted to chase sheeps. Might be good thing? He was on leash and we were walking behind sheeps. Thats all at first time. Aino ipa's breeder asked me just enjoy the ride. And i really did!
First time i wanted to learn something more than anything and what is more fancier than working with your best frend seamlesly together. That is what i want. Maybe it take a lifetime, but i'm ready, so bring it!
He did eat sheep poop too but just only first time on sheep. I think this dog would leave me breahtles even just eating sheep poop.. sutch a good boy? Right?
For me ipa is like bugatti too fast to realise. He's long gone when i realise situation.
Herding looks so easy when you open youtube and type herding, there is tons of great videos of great dogs and treir owners and it looks easy. It didn't feel easy to rookie.
second time we started teach ipa to stop in easy parts (when sheeps are walking). Ipa was on long leash and i pulled a little back so he got preassure on his walking and when he stopped i went to him in hurry so he didn't have time come to me. Soon he did need just little hold back and he stopped, sutch a good boy!
Third time was his first time off leash! Exiting!
This part was part witch Aino our teacher and breeder did with ipa, because if i would have done it, well not opinnion. Aino called this training balance, she kept dog allways different side where her herder stick were and let ipa work. She didn't let ipa too close to sheeps or bite them. I think biting is no good with nice sheeps, i might be wrong. It was amazing to watch ipa really starting thinkin what he's doing. Few nice looking parts. Not just bugatti racing madly trough sheep flock.
I'm so exited, i can't wait next time to learn more with IPA.
Here is few fotos, photographer : Kaisa Vänskä.
There he goes!
Sieltä se tuloo!
Taking short brake. Tauolla
Hope you enjoy with our stories about learning herding. Sorry about my bad english.
- Sari & IPA the Bugatti.
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